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Paul Courtney

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Paul's Fundraising Page


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I have decided to make a difference by creating my very own fundraising page. Through here you can easily  support my fundraising efforts by making a secure donation. I would also really appreciate it if you could share my page above or comment below so more people know about it.  
Click 'Donate Now' to make a secure online donation. 
All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you will be issued with a DGR receipt via email as soon as you make a donation.
Thanks so much for your support!

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KIDS Foundation

KIDS Foundation has been operating since 1993, with a number of highly successful programs making a significant positive impact on the lives of many children and their families. 
Our mission is to keep children safe and create a better life for those living with serious injury and burns. We help build strong lives by giving children experience-based understanding of how to manage everyday risks and challenges, so the little people in our lives are ready to take on the world. 

Our programs equip the next generation with experiences that empower them to build self-worth, wellbeing, resilience, respectful friendships and that allows them to become responsible risk takers.
Our Injury Prevention programs educate and empower children to build a strong sense of identity and wellbeing so that they can keep themselves and others safe while still allowing them be kids. Educating preschool children through the SeeMore Safety Program is our focus. SeeMore is currently in 2100 kinders and 100,000 homes.
Our Injury Recovery programs support children with horrific injuries caused by burns, accidents, dog attacks, violent crimes and abuse. We deliver injury recovery camps, leadership workshops and the National Burn Survivors’. These initiatives help young people to cope with the physical and emotional after-effects of living with burns and other serious life-changing injuries.

KIDS is a not-for-profit, health promotion charity offering support to children who have suffered life-changing injuries and to the family members caring for them in addition to working through schools and the community to prevent injury and promote safety education. KID is active nationally through preschools, primary and secondary schools and delivers highly commended, interactive safety education programs. Through its Burn Survivors’ Network, KIDS provides support programs to assist survivors and their families and puts them in touch with one another so they can share their experiences. Our staff and volunteers include qualified educators, business and health professionals and trained psychologists. 

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